Watauga river fishing report.

Another great week in the books. Starting early in the mornings has really paid off. We fished both rivers last week. Low water Watauga has been fantastic. So has high water on the South Holston. We had a few sulphurs on the South Holston last week. Not a huge hatch, but enough to have consistent dry fly fishing. So far August has been a blast. I can’t wait to what September holds. Give us a call if you’d like to get out on the water.

Tight Lines,


Watauga river fly fishing report.

August is here and the fishing is great!

Light nymph rigs and dry dropper rigs have been the name of the game. Small flies and light tippet. One of our guests landed a 20” rainbow on 6x tippet yesterday. It’s not the easiest game in town, but it can be rewarding. Small midges and micromay’s are working well. We are still getting fish on beetle patterns also. Mike’s magic beetle, and Ben’s beetle are both good patterns.

We spent a couple of days last week on the South Holston and it did not disappoint. The high water fishing was very consistent. With lots of fish coming to the boat.

If you would like more information about our guide services, or if you would like to book a trip. Please give us a call or send us an email. We will be glad to help you plan your trip.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing report.

It’s hard to believe, but here we are and it’s already the last day of July. This summer has been a blast. We’ve had some incredible days on the water. The TVA has been sticking to the normal summer flow (rec flow). Meaning low water in the morning and turning on at 1pm and running until 6pm Monday through Friday. They run from noon until 6pm on Saturdays. This Rec flow will continue until Labor Day.

Small flies and light tippet have been the name of the game on low water. We’ve been doing well with small scuds and midges. If you prefer dry flies. Terrestrials are still working well on top.

As July comes to an end, we’re looking forward to what August will bring. If you have any questions about our guide service, or if you would like to book a trip. Please feel free to send us an email or give us a call.

Tight lines,


Watauga River Fishing Report

Another great week. The Watauga river is fishing like a champ. The rain showers have had the lower part of the river dirty for a couple of days. Plenty of clear water up top though.

Terrestrial fishing has been phenomenal. The beetle bite is on fire. Nymph fishing is producing good numbers of fish as well. July has been great and August looks to be just as good. Give us a call if you’d like to get out on the water.

Tight lines,


Watauga river fishing report

July has been one heck of a month. It’s hot! But, so is the fishing. We’ve been running wide open. The flows from Wilbur dam have been great. Good flows keep the water cool and the fish healthy. The terrestrial bite has been one of the best we’ve had in a couple of years. Beetle fishing is just about as much fun as you can possibly have with a fly rod. The nymph fishing has been good as well. Give us a call if you’d like to know more about our guide services. (423)202-5184

Tight lines,


Watauga River fishing report

Flows have been back to normal on the Watauga river. Low water in the morning and generation in the afternoon. We’ve been running more half day trips this time of year. A lot of folks prefer to fish a half day and beat the heat. The low water fishing in the mornings has been great. We’ve been catching fish on midges and sulphur nymphs. We still have a few spots open in July. Our calendar for August is filling up quickly as well. Give us a call if you’d like some more information about our guide service.

Hope to see you on the river,


Watauga river fishing report.

A little bit of rain has kept the flows consistent out of both South Holston and Wilbur dams. We’ve been on both the South Holston and Watauga river. Let me tell you, they’re both fishing great! The TVA predicted schedule shows lower flows over the next few days. June has been outstanding and July looks to be just as good. Sulphurs are still haching daily in the afternoons. Nymphs, terrestrials, streamers, all have been fishing well. Give us a call if you’d like to get out on the water.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing Report

The TVA has been running water all week, but down worry. The fish are still hungry. Nymph fishing is bringing good numbers of fish to the boat and afternoon dry fly fishing has been a bonus. We’re seeing sulphurs around 2 o’clock. The dry fly pattern is not as important as your drift. Fish have been eating a few different dry fly patterns, but the drift needs to be spot on. Any drag and the fish will rise and refuse your fly. It’s been another great week of fishing. We have lower water in the prediction later this week. We’ll see how that plays out and if it has any effect on the sulphur hatch. If you are interested in a trip, feel free to drop us a line. We’d love to get you out on the water.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing Report

We have had another great week of fishing here in northeast TN. Earlier in the week we had sunny days and clear water making for some stellar dry/dropper fishing on the Watauga river. Then, as rain moved in went went over to the South Holston river to take advantage of higher flows and had a great streamer bite. June is filling up fast, but we still have some dates available for July. Whether you’re an experienced angler or if you a new to fly fishing and interested in learning the ropes. Give us a call and let our guides take all of the work out of it for you.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing report.

Another great week on the Watauga. We’ve had beautiful weather and the fishing has been great! Sulphurs are hatching and fish are looking up. Dries, nymphs, and streamers have all been working good. You can pick your poison. Looks like another good week ahead of us as well. We still have some June dates available. Give us a call if you would like to get out on the water.

Tight lines,


Watauga River Fishing report

Another busy week and the fishing has been great! We’ve literally fished the Watauga river from top to bottom this week. It’s fishing good wherever you go. We’re getting good numbers and quality fish. Sulphurs are hatching in the afternoon and we’re getting in some good periods of dry fly fishing. When the fish aren’t rising, nymphs are bringing a lot of fish to the net. 2019 has been outstanding so far and it just keeps getting better. Give us a call, or send us an email if you would like to get out on the water.

Tight Lines,


Watauga river fishing report

Sulphurs are hatching daily! This has been the best dry fly fishing of the year. Sulphurs are hatching, bringing up nearly every fish in the river. Good numbers and quality fish have been coming to the net daily. Outside of the hatch, the nymph fishing has been crazy. Even if your new to fly fishing. Our guides will spend the time and teach you the skills necessary to become a proficient fly angler. Give us a call if you’re interested in getting out on the water.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing Report

It’s been a busy week on the river! I’ve been on both the South Holston and the Watauga, and both have been fishing great. We’re seeing sulphurs in the afternoons. Sizes 16 & 18. Puff daddies and sparkle duns, both have been deadly on rising fish. Nymphing has been crazy. Lots of fish coming to the net on nymph rigs. We would love to get you out on the water. Give us a call if you’d like to get in on the action. (423)202-5184

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing Report

The fly fishing here in east TN has been great. Sulphurs have started hatching on the Watauga river! We’ve had a consistent 2100 cfs flow from the TVA for the last few days. The fish and the aquatic insects have really responded well to the flows. Sulphurs are hatching on high water and there are plenty of fish looking up. There is just something about watching a brown trout rise from several feet deep to take your imitation when there are several natural insects on the water.

Give us a call if you would like to get in on the action.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing Report

With recent rains, the tva has been generating the Watauga River all week. Not to worry though, the high flows have been fishing great! We’ve been fishing the upper river nymphing and fishing dry dropper rigs. We had a huge blue winged olive hatch yesterday. Which gave us a good hour of dry fly fishing. If you would like to get in on the action, give us a call.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing Report

We’ve been enjoying warmer weather and low water. The fly fishing has been great. Mostly nymphing, but we are expecting to see caddis any day. I know with all of the emails and phone calls, that a lot of you are anxious for the caddis hatch too. It won’t be long now. Some folks say that the caddis hatch when the water temp is a constant 52 degrees, others say that it has to do with the amount of daylight hours in the day. Either way, it will happen soon. I hope everyone has got to get out and enjoy the low water. Give is a call if your interested in a guide trip. Hope to see you on the water.

Watauga River Fishing report.

The weather has finally broke and we have low water! We’ve been fishing low water for the last week and let me tell you, it’s been good! Blue Winged Olives are still hatching. We’re seeing a few early caddis, but the big black caddis hasn’t shown up yet. It looks like low water is here to stay, at least for a little while. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for a huge caddis hatch this year. April is nearly full, with a couple of spots here and there. May is shaping up to be a busy month as well. Give us a call if you like to get out on the water.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River Fishing Report.

We have been extremely busy guiding this month. The Watauga has been fishing great! We’ve been putting a lot of fish in the boat on nymphs. We have also been having a daily blue winged olive hatch that has been offering a good opportunity for dry fly fishing. As we get into spring the fishing keeps getting better. We still have a few dates available in April and some in May. Give us a call if you would like to book a trip.

Tight Lines,


Watauga River

We caught a break in the weather last week and took advantage of the warmer temperatures. Blue winged olives are hatching and bringing up hundreds of hungry trout. It is an amazing sight to see 200 yards of river boiling with rising fish. The nymph fishing has been outstanding as well. Lots of fish coming to the boat on blue wing nymphs and midges. Spring is right around the corner. The fishing will only get better from here. Give us a call if you’d like to book a guide trip. Hope to see you on the water.