Watauga fishing report February 20 2019

The Watauga river has been fishing great! Periods of blue winged olive hatches has provided dry fly fishing opportunities. Nymphing has been outstanding. Streamers have been producing as well. You can pick your poison. If you’re looking for a big fish, streamers are the way to go. If dry flies are what you’re into, the bwo hatches have been occurring daily. If you want to catch a lot of fish, nymphing is the way to go.

Looking ahead. Everyone is eagerly awaiting the caddis hatch in April. Dates are booking fast. We have a few openings left. If you want to fish in April please book soon to reserve your spot. Hope to see you on the river.

Watauga River Fishing report

We have had crazy weather this winter. It’s been raining, snowing, blistering cold, sunny and 75… You name it, we’ve had it. Floating high water has been game. It still amazes me that these fish will eat a size 20 zebra midge on a 2600cfs flow. But that’s what trout do. We have had periods of blue winged olives hatching. During these times, the dry fly fishing has been great. Streamers have also been producing well. It won’t be long until April and everyone knows what that means..Caddis!! We still have a few dates available for the caddis hatch. If you would like to book a date for the caddis hatch. I urge you to do so quickly. These dates always fill up fast. I hope to see you on the water.

April 30 2018

South Holston river April report by Watauga River Guides

The flows have been so high on the Watauga that we have spent most of the month of April fishing the South Holston river.  South Holston dam is sluicing 1,200cfs which is perfect for floating.  We have been having a good afternoon sulphur hatch that has a lot of fish rising.  Hope to see you on the water!

Fall fishing!!

The TVA is replacing the unit in South Holston Dam, as most of you know.  They have been sluicing a flow of 1080cfs on the week days, and it is awesome!  The fishing has been the best we've had in a long time.  The nymph fishing is insane!  It is some of the most fun fishing that you can have with a fly rod.  This is also great for beginners, because the fish are not nearly as spooky as they usually are.  As far as dry flies, some days are better than others, but most days we are seeing sulphur hatches and blue wings are starting to show up to.  This is the first time in my lifetime where we have had flows like this for this long period of time.  Don't miss out.  Give us a call if you would like to get in on this.

East Tennessee Fly Fishing Report by Watauga River Guides

Fall is here, but the fishing keeps heating up!  

The South Holston river has been on fire on the 1200cfs flow.  Nymph fishing in the mornings and dry flies in the afternoon.  This is some of the most "fun" fishing we've had.  Good numbers of fish coming to the boat.

The Watauga is fishing good as well.  We're mostly nymphing, throwing a few dries in areas where we have rising fish.  

The TVA has been sluicing 1200cfs Monday afternoon through Friday afternoon each week.  This "should" continue until March.  Give us a shout if you would like to get in on some of this.  We have a few dates open for October, and several openings for November.


Watauga River Guides Fly Fishing Report

Watauga River Fly Fishing Report

We have been busy here at WRG!  Summer is here and the fishing has been great.  We have been getting good numbers of fish.  Yesterday I had the privilege of guiding Eddie and his son Braydon.  They were in fish immediately with nymph rigs.  The action was non-stop through lunch and then BOOM!  Braydon set the hook and drag starts to scream!  After an intense fight Braydon lifts a 22" brown trout to the net.  It was an awesome experience to see such a young, dedicated fly fisherman catch such a quality fish.

Watauga River Fly Fishing Report

Watauga River Fly Fishing Report by Watauga River Guides.

We've been on the water a lot these past few days.  Good numbers of fish coming to the net.  We've had good flows for the last week and the fish are responding well.  Yesterday the majority of our fish came on dry flies (Mike's Magic Beetle).  Today almost all of them were on nymphs.  It's day to day what we are seeing.  But the bottom line is the fishing is great.  Give us a call if you would like to book a trip

Watauga River Fly Fishing Report by Watauga River Guides

June 26 2017

Fishing has been absolutely great on the Watauga river!  The flows are perfect.  We're getting a lot of fish to hand.  Mostly nymphing, but we are getting some fish up on dries.  Beetles, sulphurs, and caddis are getting taken on the surface.  Give us a call today, if you would like to book a trip.

June 17 2017

Fly Fishing Report by Watauga River Guides

The Watauga river has been fishing great!  Lots of fish coming to hand.  Most of our fishing has been nymphing.  We are seeing a few sulphurs here and there, and fish are rising to them.  No big hatches, but enough to get a few fish rising and get some dry fly fishing in.  

Watauga River Fly Fishing Report by Watauga River Guides

After over a month of high water we are finally seeing some low water flows on the Watauga river, and the fish are chewing!  We caught good numbers of fish nymphing as well as on dries today.  High water fishing has been good, but it was a welcomed change to fish low water.  

Watauga river fly fishing report by Watauga River Guides

We are still experiencing high water conditions.  That's not what you want to hear if you are a wade fisherman, but floating high water has been great.  Deep nymph fishing has been the way to go for the majority of the day.  Sulphurs are hatching and we are getting some dry fly fishing in.  Not huge hatches, but enough to get fish rising.  

May 16 2017

We are still seeing high water on the Watauga river.  That's not necessarily a bad thing.  The deep nymph fishing has been good.  And, we are seeing more and more sulphurs.  There are a couple of spots in the late afternoon where fish are rising to sulphur duns.  Size 16 and 18 sparkle duns have been working well.    

May 7 2017

Watauga river

We've had some really high flows over the last 2 weeks.  Mid week the flows were dropped to 1600cfs.  Nymphing on the 1600 flow has been good.  The fish were taking small midges and nymphs.  We have been seeing sulphurs hatch, but no fish rising yet.  It wont be long, now that the flows are getting lower until we can start targeting fish on dries.